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Peter So《Feng Shui Guide for Daily Life》風水书

Feng Shui Master Peter So champions the re-interpretation of ancient wisdom with modern applications, earning much recognition among clients. In this book, he handpicked the most popular topics in Feng Shui, Five Elements, animal signs, face and palm reading, naming tips, numerology and even face reading for pets. Apart from highlighting the Feng Shui rules relevant to the urban landscape and practical housing conditions, the writer also corrects some common Feng Shui myths and misconceptions that have been passed down for generations: - must a couch lean against a wall? - mustn't a toilet bowl face the washroom door? - is an open kitchen bad for marriage? - Feng Shui remedy for construction conflicts caused by exterior wall maintenance This book fuses century-old theories with practical daily examples seamlessly, truly an indispensable reference on fortune telling.


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