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Peter So :Your Fate in 2014苏民峰生肖运程2014(英文版)》運程书

With over 20 years of professional experience, Master Peter So officially established the So Sect of Feng Shui practice and consolidated traditional Feng Shui theories in modern and pragmatic terms. He has published many critically acclaimed Feng Shui titles in both Chinese and English, including more than 10 all-time best sellers on palm reading, face reading and Feng Shui in hardcover and paperback. Many of them have been translated into English and simplified Chinese and have earned much recognition throughout the world. His yearly astrology guide book becomes one of the most eagerly awaited titles in the local publishing industry and has been the bestseller years on end.

Highlights include general forcast based on your Zodiac Sign, land luck of the year, Feng Shui setting-out for the year and Chinese almanac for everyday use.


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